Future-Proof Your Career in 2015

My latest article in Entrepreneur just came out. Here is an excerpt and link below:
“Everyone knows that the workplace is full of pitfalls and challenges. But when you let everyday issues go unresolved, you stop getting good work done, lose sight of the things that inspire you and can become disengaged.
Facing too many challenges for too long can cause chronic stress and erode health and well-being.
Based on this stark reality, here are three questions to consider as you take stock of 2014:
1. Are you getting great work done or are your best efforts undermined by unexpected challenges?
2. Are you staying on purpose and delivering added value to your organization or do you find yourself struggling to make a positive contribution and remain relevant at work?
3. Do you worry that your current job could be outsourced, downsized or automated or that someone else smarter and hungrier is right behind you?
These are tough questions but with a little time and focused attention, you can find answers and set your career on a firmer path toward long-term success.
If this year has left you feeling uncertain about your future, then it’s time go on the offensive. And it can all start by exploring beyond the job description of what you do at work.