Goodreads: 5 Stars for “Beyond the Job Description”

My new book, Beyond the Job Description, got a nice 5-Star review on Goodreads.
This is hands down the BEST career advice book that I have read. I bought it because I enjoy my job and am doing ok in it, but I’ve been too close to the bottom of the work pyramid for longer than I would like and I’m keen to make a change. I want to rise up in the ranks, excel at what I do, and have a clear purpose and path to follow. The problem is, I just don’t know how to do this.
I’ve read a number of career books in search of the magic formula, and so many of them concentrate solely on describing your problem and telling you why you have it. They then dish up a few inspirational platitudes and quick-fix solutions to get you motivated and send you on your way. These books only work in the very short term, however, and as soon as their effect wears off, you are back where you started.
This book is different. It starts by explaining the what’s and why’s of your problems, but then (and this is crucial…) dedicates a significant number of pages to explaining how to identify and solve those problems. Regardless of whether you are an employee, a small business owner or CEO of a large company, we all have barriers stopping us from reaching our best performance, and this book explains how to systematically identify those barriers, break them down and pinpoint the underlying problems and behaviors that explain why we are not overcoming them, and draw up an action plan to overcome them.
I read this book and worked through the exercises over the course of a week. I have now identified my obstacles (they are not what I thought!) and have a step-by-step action plan to overcome my biggest obstacle, as well as a clear direction of what to do to get to where I want to go.
I strongly recommend this book to all those of you who yearn for more in your career, but don’t know how to go about getting it. I will be using the tools in this book again and again to plot a clear roadmap of how to get the career I want.
Here is a link to the original review.